Molecular Weight of Air
About this item. Unit Weight Defined Unit weight typically assigned the Greek letter gamma γ is simply weight W per unit volume V of a material in which the matter or mass m is. Dry Air Heavier Than Moist Air Cengage Learning Molecular Air Dry Temperature - Specific heat of Benzene Gas - C6H6 - at temperatures ranging 250 - 900 K. . Air - Molecular Weight and Composition - Dry air is a mixture of gases where the average molecular weight or molar mass can be calculated by adding the weight of each component. The attraction between the different molecules pulls the solute apart at a molecular level and suspends it evenly throughout the water. The calculation above was done for dry air and moisture content in the air would be expected to increase the speed of sound slightly because the molecular weight of water vapor is 18 compared to 2895 for dry air. We offer molecular sieve adsorbents or zeolites to reduce gas or liquid im...